Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Get in the picture!!

This was posted on my favorite photography website and wanted to share......

By Miz Booshay
I’m not a very bossy person. Well, okay. In the car I am bossy.
But in general I don’t tell people what they should do.
But I think I’ve found my calling.
I feel called to tell you to…get in the picture!
Forget your foolish pride and just jump in the frame.
Our parents died when I was 16. Our mom died within a year of taking this picture with my sister, Janet.
It is my very favorite picture of her.
This picture brings me so much joy, I can not tell you. I have it on the refrigerator and look at it every day.
I do not know if I have a picture of myself with my mom.
But I do have a picture of myself with my dad.
There we are. Me and my dad and my sister Cindy. So, so long ago. It was 1973 and we were on vacation in Maui. Haleakala Crater. Look how handsome our dad was! I see my son Matthew in him.
I am so thankful for these pictures.

It doesn’t matter how you do it.

It only matters that you do it!

Today I want to urge you to get over your shyness and pride and get in the picture!
I wish, wish, wish I had more pictures of me with our children. It is one of my few regrets.
So here’s the deal…

1. In five years you will look five years older….you WILL look young in the pictures you take today!

2. Ten years ago I thought I was fat. Oh my goodness….I should have taken pictures THEN.

3. Your children look at you all day long. THEY know what you look like. They won’t care how you look in the picture.
I really don’t like how I look in pictures. It pains me. I still want to look like I did when I was 25 years old. And really I’m shocked that I don’t.
But seriously. My children love me just the way I am. Chins and all.
Consider this your call to action!
You can do it. I know you can. If I can, you can!
Let your light shine. You will never regret it!
Encourage one another,

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